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This dashboard provides the most recent data on the operation of the power system on Norfolk Island. Hover over each graph to see the relevant statistics.

Actual Charge vs Savings

This shows the actual value of energy charges on resident electricity bills versus what they would have been had diesel generation been relied upon.


Diesel vs Solar Generation

Shows the daily energy production from solar and diesel generator.


Tariff by Month

This shows the percentage of time in each month the different tariffs apply.


Average Tariff Cost (hourly by month)

This shows the average tariff by hour of day for each month.


Average Consumption Through the Day

This shows the average net consumption by hour of day for each month. Consumption is measured as the sum of the electricity meters, and therefore includes the impact of consumer owned solar and battery systems.


Energy Consumption vs Sold

This represents the total energy consumed vs the total energy sold by all customers each day.


Cost vs Revenue

This represents the value of energy bought by customers versus energy sold by customers.


Fuel Consumption

This represents the total fuel consumed by all customers each month.
